News ID: 3225
Publish Date : 03 September 2018 - 08:17

Does the Market for Commercial Vehicles Boom?

Commercial vehicles are a small part of production cycle and importation but they have a notable role in the industries and transportation. This segment has its own problems and sanctions have similar effect on these cars.
Khodrocar – Commercial vehicles are too sensitive to the economy changes because of their activity and price and also have a great impact on the society. After the sanctions all of notable brands in this segment has stopped their activity in Iran.

"Liberalization of currency for commercial vehicles will increase the prices for 100 to 120 percent which is out of market capacity. In addition, no increment in parties’ size and transportation prices, isn’t beneficial for the drivers. In the near future, different hard challenges will harm this segment.” Mehdi Niazi, commercial vehicles expert told Khodrocar reporter.  

"European companies want to have cooperation but the main problem is the banking system. None of European banks will work with Iran during the sanctions. Because of this issue most of commercial vehicle makers left Iran during the past months.” He added.

"Chinese automakers are mostly governmental and have big investments in USA but those who don’t have relation with America will continue their activity here. We will find a way to support the after sales services like before and there always a way in during sanctions.” Niazi said.

"Commercial vehicle makers are waiting for the fleet renovation plan because the government will supply the price of CKD parts from national development fund. Without this plan customers won’t be able to but commercial vehicles which their price is more than 10 billion IRRs.” He added.

"The current situation will have impacts on the Chinese vehicles market too. Those vehicles which were 3000 to 3700 million IRRs will increase to 6000 to 7000 million IRRs that is out of drivers budget. The good measures that the government has launched in the past year on replacing worn out vehicles can have a huge impact on the modernization and prosperity of the automotive market. The good plan of the government that launched in the past year on replacing worn out vehicles can have a huge impact on the modernization and prosperity of the automotive market.” He said.

The special market of commercial vehicles will make the sanctions put more pressure on them. These fleet is carrying the pressure of auto industry on its back. However, these days transportation between cites has decreased but we shouldn’t forget its role in the environmental things.

Khodrocar Reporter; Mostafa Anisi

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani